Friday, August 26, 2011

The coming storm

Irene is coming to Jersey.

That's a lot more ominous if you know that Irene is a category 3 hurricane about to dump her wrath on the U.S. east coast.

The local media, and national, too, are having hysterics and upping the fear factor. It drives me crazy, so I don't watch.

But everything I've read and seen says we oughta be getting ready, stocking up on fresh water, having a 3-day supply of food and a can opener--yes, it really says that--batteries and flashlights, and on and on.

Somehow I can't get that excited.

Who wants to go to the grocery store and battle the crazies? Not me.

So here I sit, watching the weather channel as long as I can bear it, about 2 minutes, just long enough to see the latest predicted storm tracks.

We managed to survive the rapture. Guess we'll manage this, too.

I'll get back to you on that. ...or not...